
Saturday, May 26, 2012

French Manicure

After seeing a few friends spotting really nice manicured nails using Gelish, I was inspired to try this myself. Compared to normal nail polish, Gelish can last up to 3 weeks without chipping or fading of the nail colour. Well, that's fantastic news for a girl whose manicured nails have never last beyond 2 days without chipping!

A friend of mine who's been doing Gelish regularly, recommended The Nail Status at Far East Plaza. With Fridays and Saturdays being their busiest time, I was lucky to be able grab a spot as I went in without making an appointment. I've always liked French Manicure so I opted for that.

Gelish French Manicure!

The nail painting was pretty well done, slightly thick on the edge of some of my nails but it's not exactly noticeable unless you're staring at my nails up close. The no-chipping guarantee was confirmed with my bathroom scrubbing today - Still intact and as good as ever! I'm so excited and already planning to redo my nails in 2 or 3 weeks time. Do check out The Nail Status blog here.

Meanwhile, the 2 months long of Great Singapore Sales is on! Woohooo~ Time to grab more stuff at reduced prices!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

After a long hiatus

 This is what I have been up to!

A new pair of pole/ hooker heels!

Chopped off my long hair... Boyfriend was literally in tears when he saw this.

With Bobbi, the owner of Bobbie's pole studio. She's such an inspiration!

And US skincare brand Philosophy finally hit our sunny shores! These are just some of the products I bought during their launch week. The microdelivery peel is definitely one of my favourite products. Philosophy is currently sold in the Sephora branches across Singapore.