
Friday, October 30, 2009

Christmas Wishlist

The Boy asked "So what do you want for Christmas?"

"I don't know... Never thought about it."

"Well, time to start thinking. Maybe you can give me a list that I can pick from..."

So here I am, jotting down my wishlist.

I wish for a....
  • iPhone coz it's fun! Then again, my contract expires in Feb 2010, which means I can upgrade for that then.
  • Agnes B long wallet - it's pretty!
  • A necklace that won't pluck out 50 strands of my hair each day. I still love the one I'm wearing tho.
  • A pet dog that we can care for together. Unfortunately I can't keep a dog at my place so I guess this choice is out of question
  • A nice rectangle or square face, metal buckle watch

So far, these are some things that crossed my mind. Maybe my list will expand as Christmas approaches. :D

Monday, October 26, 2009

Her Awesome Weekend

Her awesome weekend started at 7:00am with her losing her temper BIG time, swearing and cursing at someone whom she should not have. She become more grumpy as the incident resulted her in being late. BUT the work went pretty well and her mood brightened up as the clock ticked closer to 2:00pm.

Then it was a long ride to Harbourfront where her newly banked in paycheck allowed her to indulge in a new white bikini which she wore for a swim at The Boy's place. His eyes widened and he nodded in appreciation as he looked at her. A long lazy afternoon at the pool then it was battle time with warcries of "Taste my Pigeon!!!" and "Alleluiiiaaaaa!!". Play Worms and you'd understand what I'm saying. Next was drinks and supper at The Queen & Mangosteen.

Mini Burgers and Drinks


His Drawing

Alcohol and fried food don't mix well so it was no go for morning mass. Then again, The Boy probably appreciated the extra snooze :D

Finally washed up and popped over his place with coffee and kueh kueh for him and his family. A long lazy afternoon in the pool and a sunburn later, it was to the church then Vivo. There.... He bought two shirts and she got herself a nice pair of boots from Zara.

Zara boots

And the delicious spinich pizza after shopping pretty much summed up the night.

The Crazy Things She Does

Pole Dancing... No pain no gain!

Instructor Ming Helping Eve with the Serpent move

The Serpent

 The Bat

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


On the spur of the moment, she erased years of memories in that web space.

Memories. Photos. 'Friends'. None of that superficiality exist anymore.

A fresh beginning. She has to move on.